This is awesome! You’ve decided you want to broaden your gardening knowledge and are looking for the right places to become a garden expert.
When starting out, we were overwhelmed by the plethora of gardening websites and blogs around, and worst, most of them did either not provide the right information, communicated it in very complicated terms, or were just focused on making money.
After spending possibly more than a year reading and sifting through most of the gardening blogs online, we’ve selected and ranked, in our opinion, the best gardening resources you can find right now.

It’ll save you tremendous amounts of time but more importantly, you don’t have to be afraid you’ll ruin your plants and waste your time by following the wrong advice!
A big piece of advice here, it’s better to select a handful of sources to learn from than to try to follow everybody and everything. Trust me, I’ve tried it and little time is left for actual gardening.
Best Gardening Websites, Blogs, and Resources
Without us wasting your time any longer, here are the best gardening blogs and websites (besides Planted Well duh), divided into multiple categories and sorted by our community, to follow and grow that green thumb.
Top 10 Gardening Websites for Beginners
Here our selection of best gardening websites for beginning gardeners. We’ve got a lot of inspiration from them when we started out, so much respect goes out to them:)
1. Gardening Know How
Gardening Know How is a gardening website that Heather Rhode started 17 years ago due to the lack of friendly gardening resources at the time.

Today, Heather and other experienced gardener has answered over 75,000 questions online and have helped over 160 million website visitors.
2. Tasteful Garden
In operation since May 1996, Tasteful Garden is a humble certified organic garden that is generous in teaching beginner gardeners how to grow their own food.

Supporting the old-fashioned methods of “heritage gardening,” they love recycling yard and farm waste. Learn more about gardening on their website today.
3. A Way to Garden
A 2007 creation of one of the leading garden writers at Martha Stewart Living, Margaret Roach is experienced in the field for over 30 years.

Her dedication to the topic has definitely gained her some recognition when the New York Times has awarded her blog as “The Best Garden Blog.”
A Way to Garden has covered gardening topics for beginners and advanced gardeners. Non-readers would also benefit from listening to her podcasts, lectures, and tours!
4. You Grow Girl
Gayla Trail launched this gardening website in February 2000 to help urban gardeners with a microscopic budget.

With such a limited budget and space, Gayla has developed contemporary approaches to gardening which she generously shares with other aspiring urban gardeners through her website.
Say goodbye to the restrictions of traditional gardening today! Read her Beginner Gardening Guide 101 and the comprehensive resource section on her site.
5. Garden Beast
With seven ebooks dedicated to gardening, there is no doubt that Garden Beast has used tech to their advantage in distributing useful gardening knowledge.

You can download all ebooks and either print them out or load them up to your kindle. All you need to do is sign up for their newsletter.
6. DIY Garden
A DIY gardening resource that aims to help people who live in sun-deprived locations and limited spaces, DIY Garden offers guides in building small outdoor spaces, pruning plants, and even tree houses!

Get ready to transform your space into a beautiful urban garden in just a few short weekends.
7. Penick
From the author of the book “Lawn Gone” and “The Water-Saving Garden,” Pam Penick launched this web resource in 2006 to share her gardening experiences, not just at home but everywhere she goes.

She shares her experiences in handling the challenging climates of the US Southern Plains and central Texas.
If you suffer from long hot summers, highly alkaline soil, mild winters with deadly freezes, occasional flooding in the midst of a drought, then you will highly relate to her content.
8. Almanac
Founded in 1792, the Old Farmer’s Almanac has been highly useful to farmers of the previous centuries.

Therefore, it has built helpful tips and insights that have been tested through time.
9. Chiot’s Run
The creator of Chiot’s Run aims to publish a daily journal of their attempt to cultivate an organic simple life.
They used to have a green space is in a small suburban neighborhood of Ohio but have eventually moved to Liberty Maine in 2012.

In Maine, they were able to expand their expertise in a 153-acre land. Check them out! They offer a free e-book about seed starting that you shouldn’t miss!
10. BBC Gardening Guides

From sowing, pruning, and cuttings, BBC has created a handy webpage covering several useful gardening techniques and large topics related to lawn health, vegetable growing, organic gardening, and DIY building.
Best Plant Websites with Databases and Resources
Below are some of the best plant websites offering huge databases.
11. Plant Care Today
Gary Antosh founded this plant website in 2012 but he has been in the field for over 47 years before that. He began with a penchant for collecting rare plants which he had to learn how to grow on his own.

Today, his website offers to answer plant questions through their free newsletter. Feel free to contact them to learn more!
12. Garden Org
Lyman Wood founded this NGA in 1971 with a goal to promote gardening. They share growing knowledge, environmental awareness, and planting enthusiasm.
If you are looking for a vast plant resources, you are in the right place. Find articles, garden research, community features, gardening software tools, and more.

Not only does their plant database contain 750, 129 plants for effective plant identification, they also teach how to identify different kinds of pests and diseases and give you knowledge in harmful weeds in the garden.
Best Garden and Landscape Design Websites
Are you a fan of exquisite beauty? Perhaps, you don’t want to simply build a garden but instead, a stunning landscape that can catch people’s eyes? Below are landscape design websites that can help.
13. Garden Guides
A garden resource composed of ten team members and twenty contributors, the website is certainly a great place to find information about gardening.

The best part is that they offer DIY ways to build structures in your garden that will excellently enhance the look of your green space.
14. Garden Design
Whether you have a small garden or a sun-deprived location, Dayna shares different tips and tricks in container gardening and shade gardening. She also shares landscape design guides in building front yard landscapes and backyard landscapes.

She also writes about the different types of plants that you can incorporate in the type of garden you decide to make: from annuals, perennials, shrubs, flowers, succulents, trees, and vegetables.
15. Pith and Vigor
Rochelle Greayer covers topics in garden styles, garden design, garden inspiration and trends, and plants on her website. With a penchant to teach her design skills, she willingly shared everything she learned from The English Gardening School in London to her readers on her website.

If you want to learn how she did her garden designs for countless private gardens and hospitality properties around the world, be sure to join her Garden Design Bootcamp!
Best Home and Garden Websites and Blogs
Planning to build a humble little home garden? Here are some of the best home gardening resources and websites.
16. Better Homes and Gardens
Edwin Meredith founded the magazine in 1922. Today, their site contains plenty of useful information for beginners and advanced gardeners.

You will love their vegetable garden section!
17. Growing the Home Garden
Dave has launched the website in 2007 as a fun way to share his home gardening experiences. Since then, he has shared over 2000 posts covering different home gardening topics like vegetable gardening and plant propagation.

He also shares tips and resources for beginner home gardeners on his site. Read through his content now and create a productive home garden in no time.
Best Microgreen Websites and Blogs
Not everyone has the luxury of space in their humble abodes but worry no more because microgreen gardening is here to save the day. Check out the awesome microgreen gardening websites below!
18. Balcony Garden Web
With limited space, it is easy to lose hope in building a nutritious garden. Fortunately, the Balcony Garden Web is here to help us plant our first microgreens.

Their microgreen planting guide will teach you about the best container to use, the best plants to grow, and the plant care necessary to harvest the most nutritious microgreens.
19. Bootstrap Farmer
Brandon Youst and Brad Youst founded the Bootstrap Farmer with the help of other microgreen and gardening enthusiasts.

They offer an extensive microgreen planting guide and resources for others to follow successfully. With a goal to promote hyperlocal food on a national scale, they offer everyone all the help they can give, even the cost-efficient materials one may need in getting a micro-farm started.
20. The Micro Gardener
Anne Gibson founded The Micro Gardener not only to grow microgreens but to help people grow good health. She covers topics in growing microgreens simple, quick, and easy in the least time, energy, and money needed as possible.

If you want to learn how she grows organic microgreens and most importantly how to start your journey to good health, you better check them out now.
Best Horticulture Websites
Looking for in-depth knowledge in horticulture? The gardening websites below will suffice to your needs.
21. Horticult
Ryan Benoit and Chantal Aida Gordon founded the Horticult in 2013. They started by asking a lot of questions from experts in the horticultural industry and visiting plenty of public, botanical, and home gardens. All the while, they were sharing everything they learned on their blog.

They have shared the gardens they built through the years. Check them out on their website now.
22. RHS Beginners Guide to Gardening
Gardening can be off-putting due to jargon. Fortunately, RHS is Loaded with easy to understand gardening knowledge.

For one, their extremely helpful glossary that explains gardening jargon in understandable words. The site also covers essential gardening tips on planting, weeding, fruit growing, veggie planting, and container making
23. The Survival Gardener
Author David The Good founded the website Florida Survival Gardening in 2012 and eventually migrated to The Survival Gardener in 2015. He shares tips on how to grow food in the least amount of work possible.

While he avoids using pesticides in his garden, he is not an organic purist, mainly because he gets frustrated with slow-growing fruit trees. Nevertheless, you will learn a lot from his content and books.
Best Vegetable Garden Blogs and Websites
If you want to grow vegetables to have a steady supply of healthy food, the following vegetable gardens can help you immensely.
24. Growveg
Wouldn’t it be nice if our gardening resources were easier to navigate? Well, GrowVeg has made it possible for us. With a team of tech experts with a gardening double life, an app has been created to help people plan a garden in the comforts of their smartphones.

Aside from an app, they also have written gardening guides, plant information, and pest data on their website. What are you waiting for? Give it a try today by downloading the app!
25. Vegetable MD
A project of the Department of Pathology at Cornell University, Vegetable MD online is an extensive resource that is particularly helpful in identifying and preventing plant diseases.

They cover fact sheets about vegetable diseases, virus weed hosts, tomato diseases, and more. They even have it written in Spanish.
26. Bifurcated Carrots
Steph Mandell and Patrick Wiebe founded the site to share experiences in gardening, despite not having land and owning a garden in Amsterdam. They have worked on friend’s lands and community gardens which have helped them hone their gardening skills.

If you are looking for tips and tricks in heirloom gardening, you’ll find plenty of information on their website.
Best Urban Gardening Blogs
City-living and gardening have not always been an easy good combination but thanks to urban gardening websites, city-dwellers now have an idea on how to start and be successful in growing houseplants. Check out the resources below for more information.
27. Young Wife’s Guide
Jami Leigh has written an ebook about Apartment Gardening which most people in the urban area will certainly find useful.

The guide highlights how to practically use small spaces to your maximum gardening ability. She also shows how newbies can stay on budget while gardening. Aside from that, she covers topics in picking soil, seed, and the best place to grow your plants.
28. Urban Gardens Web
Looking for different ways you can approach urban gardening? This gardening blog may just have what you need. Here, you can learn about container gardening, no-dig gardening, shade gardening, hydroponics, raised garden beds, square-foot gardening, and rooftop gardens.

They also cover topics about indoor gardening, guerilla gardening, herb gardens, terrariums, window boxes, and more!
Best Plant Information Websites
With the diverse kinds of plants in the world, you need a place to look for plant information. Fortunately, some websites have dedicated time and effort into building one for your needs. Here are some of the best plant information websites online.
29. Dave’s Garden
Dave founded the garden website in 2000. Today, it is one of the largest online gardening resources. It offers over 200,000 informative encyclopedic gardening files about bugs, plants, birds, grow guides.

Aside from that, the website also caters to the needs of every gardener, hobbyist, or professionals alike. They have built a huge community that is perfect for sharing experiences and advice and active seeds and plant trade.
30. CornellCals
A project of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University, CornellCals is an extensive resource that is particularly helpful in identifying poisonous plants that can harm livestock and other animals.

If you have a mini-farm at home or have pets, reading through some of the data from the website can save the lives of your pets and animals.
Best Flower Information Websites
Flower lovers, growing your flowers can be easier by looking through the resources below.
31. Flowerona
Rona Wheeldon founded the site in December 2010 to inspire and support flower growers and the floristry industry.

As a previous floristry student and floristry industry worker, she has shared floral inspirations, flower knowledge, and floristry courses with everyone on her website.
32. Floretflowers
A family-run flower farm, Floret Flowers specializes in growing uncommonly unique heirloom flowers. Their website offers useful flower growing resources from starting flower seeds, preparing the soil, and growing with landscape fabric.

The site also offers tons of data about different types of flowers: anemones, biennials, carnations, asters, cosmos, dahlias, narcissus, poppies, ranunculus, sunflowers, tulips, zinnias, and more! They got an online workshop running too!
33. Higgledy Garden
Benjamin Ranyard’s blog is filled with flower growing guides. They cover flowers like achillea, amaranthus, ammi majus, ammi visnaga, borage, bupleurum, calendula, bells of Ireland, cerinthe, cleome, and so much more!

He also offers a free ebook about sowing flower seeds. Go to his website now and learn more about flowers today!
Best Organic Gardening Blogs
Do you want to start an organic garden? Here are our favorite organic gardening website resources.
34. Martha Stewart
If you looking for gardening tips, tricks, and techniques, Martha Stewart’s robust collection has got you covered. Her timeless and useful techniques have helped gardeners around the world.

To have a better understanding of gardening fundamentals, head over to her site and read about gardening tools and tips and tricks to a flourishing garden.
35. Mother Earth News
One of the longest-running sustainable lifestyle magazine online, Mother Earth News covers expert editorial coverage about organic gardening, homesteading, and livestocks.

Aside from those, they also cover topics about green homes, green transportation, green food, and natural health. It is always best to start with a garden to encourage green living at home!
36. Smiling Gardener
Phil Nauta founded the website to help organic gardeners everywhere who want to go deeper in learning how to grow nutrient-dense food. He offers detailed ways on how to build an incredible soil for organic plants to grow into.

He also offers a free 92-page ebook about Holistic Gardening where he covered compost and microbial use, soil testing and fertilization, and pest and weed control.
37. Veggie Gardening Tips
If you are looking for gardening tips for growing vegetables, this website has got you covered. They cover organic techniques for growing herbs, fruits, and veggies.

Kenny founded the website to write about the joy gardening brings him. He also tries to spare beginner gardeners from his trials and mistakes.
Enough gardening resources to get started?
With the plethora of gardening websites, resources, and apps you can use online, gardening has definitely become more accessible to aspirants than in the past.
Whether you want to plant fruits, flowers, or vegetables, you’ve got everything you could learn here.
Aside from sharing the wonderful resources above, be sure to check out our grow guides, and let’s help each other build a thriving garden!
We would also love to hear from you what your favorite gardening resource from this list is?
Or if we are missing an important garden website to make this list even more complete!
Drop a comment below and let us know! Looking forward to chat.
Plants known as “Money Trees” (Pachira Aquatica) are simple to cultivate in the home. There are a total of three of them in my residence! Even though they start little, these plants may swiftly expand and spread out in unexpected directions. The question is that How to Prune a Money Tree? so, To maintain them looking the way I want, they need to be strategically pruned from time to time. Fortunately, pruning Money Trees isn’t difficult, and they benefit from it.
Hey Anne-Alice, great tips here and thank you for commenting!
Thanks for sharing !
Hey Nathalie! You’re welcome:)
Excellent list! Another website which I give a big thumbs up is The Organic Street. If you are into organic horticulture the guides and blog posts are superb!
Many thanks,
Thomas Dean
Hey Thomas,
Thanks for sharing! We’ll consider it for this list:)
Thank you for such a comprehensive and thorough list!
Gardening is an excellent way to enhance the beauty of nature. This may help to keep the environment healthy while also providing a peaceful environment. I admire your content because it contains excellent gardening wording. You can also express your opinion. Please continue to share your valuable thoughts with us.